Emergency Care
We are available, even after-hours! Our patients have access to our doctors for after-hours emergencies and we are happy to answer questions over email, message directly from the website, text or call anytime you need.
Hyrax Expander Instructions
The Hyrax appliance is utilized to make the upper jaw wider. By expanding the upper jaw, we can correct crossbites and make space so that the adult teeth can be properly aligned. Read more about the Hyrax Expander including step-by-step instructions, what to expect, and proper care: Hyrax Expander Instructions
New Braces Instructions
Welcome to your new Smile Journey! There are a few things you should know. Dental braces can trap a lot of food against the teeth and gums. That’s why it’s vital for you to follow the braces care instructions. We want to make sure you have all the information you need to maintain a healthy smile during treatment: New Braces Instructions
Clear Aligner Instructions
The first 2-3 weeks you have 3M Clarity clear aligners will typically be the most challenging as you and your mouth adjust. Any initial issues are temporary and normal and will get better quickly! Read more about wearing your clear aligners including an informational video from 3M: Clear Aligner Instructions
New Deband Instructions
The moment you have been anticipating for months has finally come. Your braces are ready to come off and reveal your perfectly straight teeth! Here’s what you can expect at your debanding appointment with our expert team here at Power Orthodontics Orthodontics: New Deband Instructions
New Headgear Instructions
There are a few things you should know about your new Orthodontic headgear. Its purpose is to assist in achieving the best possible correction of your orthodontic problem. Headgear creates special forces that guide the growth of the face and jaws. It can also be used to move the molars into better positions or to keep them from moving forward: New Headgear Instructions