What to Expect From Your First Visit
At Power Orthodontics, we see ourselves as so much more than “just another” oral care provider. We want to be seen as a true partner in every sense of the term – one that is every bit as invested in your success as you are yourself. You’ll love meeting our caring and compassionate team. In fact, read our New Patient Welcome Letter and learn what to expect here.
All of this will be immediately evident during your first visit to Power Orthodontics, which you’ll no doubt be pleased to know is 100% complimentary. We would never want to charge you for an experience so important – especially since it’s also designed to put us in the best possible position to learn exactly what we need to help you accomplish your goals (and then some).
This first visit will take a decidedly more personal approach than you may be used to with other providers, as a big part of what we want to do involves just getting to know our patients better. We want to learn about your oral history and what brought you into the office, sure – but we also want to know about you as a person. We want to know about the types of things that get you excited and about what we have in common. In other words, we want to begin a genuine relationship in every sense of the term – and one that will serve us both well for years to come.
After that part of the process has passed, we’ll use your first visit to Power Orthodontics as an opportunity to perform a comprehensive exam so that we know exactly what we’re dealing with. This will include x-rays, photographs, and other tools that we’ll be able to use to better understand not only your current situation but what we have to do to accomplish everything you have in mind for yourself.
Answering Your Questions
We’ll also go out of our way to address any main concerns that you may have or to answer any questions that may be lingering. We never want to feel like we’re rushing you out the door, and more than anything else, we want to SHOW, not TELL, you how much we care about your ongoing health and success.
Then, we’ll move on to discussing treatment options that may be ideal given your own unique situation. We’ll go over each option in great detail and discuss the pros and cons of each. Ultimately, which course of treatment you’ll go with will be your decision alone to make. Every patient is a little bit different from the next, and there really is no “one size fits all” approach to treatment. Something that works well for one patient may not be adequate for the next, which is why we want to lay it all out on the table and make sure you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option. This is also why we also offer Same Day Starts. We understand that everyone has different schedules and some schedules are more hectic than others. So for our patients that are always on the go, you can start treatment on your first office visit if our schedule allows!
Having said that, we still want to arm you with as much actionable information as possible so that you can make the most informed decision possible when it comes to your health.
Finally, given the type of treatment you’ve selected, we’ll go over not only the projected timeline of treatment with you but we’ll also discuss the financial side of the equation. When you walk out the door, you’ll know exactly how long your treatment will last, and you’ll know exactly how many ways you can choose to pay for it, given your needs. Don’t worry – we believe that everyone should know the joy of that perfect smile they’ve always wanted regardless of their financial situation, so we offer low down and low monthly payments as well as having a number of different payment options that you can choose from.
When you walk out the door, we don’t just want you to understand what treatment is going to accomplish. We want you to have confidence in your decision and to be excited about coming back – which really is the most important goal of all.
To find out more information about what your first visit will entail or to get answers to any other questions you might have, please don’t hesitate to contact Power Orthodontics today.